RAGELab Transform your power
Using my power and my emotions confidently
This video gives an insight into the EU project 'RAGELab', an action-packed exercise lab. Here you can find excitement and action with console games, result evaluation with a neurofeedback headset, self-defense with WingTsun and self-designed role-play with LARP.
This overall concept was supported by EU funds/LLL Grundtvig Program and developed, piloted and implemented with 7 EU partner organizations from the educational sector (AT, IT, CY, SL, ES, FIN, CZ).
What is it about?
It is made visible when frustration builds up in certain situations. Because if this is recognized in time, there is the possibility of taking better care of oneself and acting in a self-determined manner.
What is it about?
In the 3-phase program of the 'RAGELab', young people get the opportunity to try out different things. They experience new things in order to learn from them how frustration develops in their body and becomes noticeable to the outside.
What's the point?
Young people can gain experience without being criticized and recognize their triggers for tension or frustration. They have the chance to get to know their own reactions better, to understand the reactions of others better and they experiment with how they can approach frustration differently in the future.
Who is the target group?
1. Education providers
2. Trainers, youth and social workers, group leaders, with an interest in further education for new and innovative group methods
3. Young people aged 15 to 21.
You can find more info here: