DIGMI Project



To integrate social networks for people from third countries and the local population. Understanding of "handling, customs, habits" is promoted through the involvement of the local population using the "digital storytelling" method. Current, past experiences, interests and hopes are linked to coping strategies.

Recently immigrated third-country nationals share their stories in multimedia with those who have lived here for a long time and the local population. The gain is an interactive exchange with finding something in common. As part of the project, training on the use of 'digital storytelling' is being developed.

Our first Video using DIGIMI’s storytelling methodologies can be found below!

BildungsLAB YouTube Channel

With Silvia's guidance, Marina is able to creatively reflect on her emotions using weaving techniques to create a wall rug. Each piece of yarn on the wall rug represents the emotions Marina felt as she made her journey from Ukraine to Austria.

DIGIMI project developed methodologies in storytelling which was used by all the partners when creating videos.

Latest news:

On June 23rd, 2022, BildungsLAB hosted our DIGIMI project partners in Vienna, Austria. It was inspiring and productive to see everyone in person again!

We have worked hard these past few months since our last meeting in Amsterdam and our projects' products are almost finished.

The WebApp which will be completed towards the end of August, was the main topic of discussion as we were finalizing its’ functionality, layout, content & sustainability.

On 02/17 and 02/18/2022 we had a very productive hybrid meeting in Amsterdam (also online via Zoom) with the consortium of DIGIMI. Together with our project partners, we are currently finalizing the training workshops in digital storytelling for people who work with migrants and refugees.

With DIGIMI we want to help people to tell, share and preserve their personal or family stories. The aim is to support integration and social inclusion and to connect people by sharing stories about each other's lives in a digital format.

We are in the process of developing the DIGIMI web app - a powerful online tool that guides facilitators, educators, social workers and migrants through the process of recording and sharing personal stories with the local community.


About the Project:

Digital Storytelling Pedagogical Methodology Digital Storytelling is a powerful pedagogical tool aimed at engaging the participants in productive discussions about intercultural awareness through their empowerment and the construction of ICT-enhanced understanding (Ribeiro, Sandra. (2016). Developing intercultural awareness using digital storytelling. Language and Intercultural Communication.

To effectively construct a learning setting conducive to migrants’ empowerment and cross-cultural awareness, we would build our training modules via an effective e-Learning Digital Storytelling (eLDiSt) framework as designed by Smeda, Dakich & Sharda (Smeda, Najat & Dakich, Eva & Sharda, Nalin. (2012). Transforming Pedagogies Through Digital Storytelling: Framework and Methodology. 10.5176/2251-1814_EeL12.98).

The framework was primarily designed in educational contexts but it could also be tailored to be applied in our case. This framework takes into consideration the needs and capabilities of contributors at different stages of learning. It is structured through various components including the various aspects to be considered in creating a digital story. Pre-observation and field notes forms will be used in order to collect quantitative data. These will later form the basic material for the writing up of research notes.

The outcomes of the process and the objectives of the digital storytelling will be designed according to qualitative data gathered from stakeholders’ interviews (migrants, NGO practitioners etc). The results of these interviews will help us identify the benefits from the digital storytelling process for integration and social cohesion (Ibid).

AMIF Action Grant NUMBER — 957777 — DIGIMI